Episode 8–Brian Freeman


Bringing Clarity to Confusing Healthcare Benefits Packages with Mployer Advisor

In a world where the cost of employer-sponsored healthcare continues to rise at a staggering 7% annually, one visionary saw the need for change. Brian Freeman, a former employee of the Hospital Corporation of America, embarked on a remarkable journey to create a company that would connect employers with high-quality insurance advisors. And thus, Mployer Advisor was born. With over 150,000 employers and 250 brokerage partners on its platform, the company has flourished and grown into an impressive success story. Brian attributes this achievement to the support of his family, advisors, investors, and team, who have aided him in navigating the challenges of running a business. Through his journey, Brian has honed his skills in selling, analytics, and day-to-day management, cementing his place as a pioneer in the world of employer-sponsored healthcare. Join us to hear more about Mployer Advisor.


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